February 5, 2024

VIEWPOINT 2024: Brian Watson, Founder, HyRel Technologies

VIEWPOINT 2024: Brian Watson, Founder, HyRel Technologies
Brian Watson, Founder, HyRel Technologies
HyRel Technologies has experienced notable growth across multiple sectors in 2023. The year was dedicated to not only acquiring new customers but also obtaining essential certifications to cater to our expanding market.

The successful completion of these certifications, coupled with the addition of two major representative groups — Horizon Sales and ECQ Southeast — has bolstered our sales team, increasing our representatives from 5 to 20.

With these strategic moves, we anticipate significant market penetration while steadfastly adhering to our core principles of superior lead-times, fair pricing, quality, and community engagement.

To support this growth trajectory, HyRel invested extensively in 2023 to develop the groundbreaking "HyRel Versacell," a micro robotic tinning cell. This versatile platform, known for its plug-and-play capabilities, boasts endless applications. With the capability to maintain 5 Nano tolerances and a repeatability path of 1 Nano, the HyRel Versacell replaced our Corfin Robotic System in mid-2023.

Plans are underway to expand the platform further with additional integrations throughout the year. We foresee the potential to offer this innovative solution to the Defense/Aerospace/Research markets on a case-by-case basis.

Looking ahead to 2024, HyRel is committed to expanding its market reach by venturing into 3D printing, Component Harvesting, and introducing a new "touchless" reball platform. These strategic moves are geared towards keeping pace with industry trends and meeting evolving market demands.

Notably, our Community Engagement initiatives, including Internship programs, continue to yield success. As we enter our 4th through 6th Intern classes, these programs not only address labor concerns but also contribute to the success stories of our interns. Placements in prestigious companies like Sandia Labs underscore not only HyRel's commitment to the program but also the significant opportunities it provides.

In summary, HyRel Technologies is poised for continued success as we embrace innovation, expand our product offerings, and maintain a strong commitment to community engagement. The strides made in 2023 set the stage for an exciting year ahead, marked by growth, technological advancements, and a steadfast dedication to our core values.

Brian Watson, Founder
HyRel Technologies
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