February 2, 2024

VIEWPOINT 2024: Dr. Tobias Kõniger, Head of Product Management Semiconductor Packaging, DELO Adhesives

VIEWPOINT 2024: Dr. Tobias Kõniger, Head of Product Management Semiconductor Packaging, DELO Adhesives
Dr. Tobias Kõniger, Head of Product Management Semiconductor Packaging, DELO Adhesives
Have supply chain shortages caused problems, and what is your team doing to secure the delivery in 2024?

Despite recent global hardships, we had no supply chain shortages for raw materials and could provide our customers with adhesives and functional materials all the time. A high inventory of raw materials and trusted second-source suppliers are the standard at DELO and has helped us keep our supply chain secure over the last few years.

Nevertheless, continuous improvement is what are always focusing on. We have further optimized our internal processes to ensure safe ramp-ups and long-term high-volume manufacturing. These processes include frequent risk assessments to evaluate critical materials, as well as defined change management for both the process and the product itself.

We also implemented a new leading-edge process for our key customers, seeking to understand our preceding supply chain even better. Here, second sources are being extensively evaluated. One measure we take is closely examining batch fluctuation. With that, we want to ensure the quality meets our requirements. Additionally, we speak with our suppliers about their production processes.

We want to understand in detail how the raw materials we use are being produced. This knowledge helps us detect if a change in production at our suppliers’ sites affects raw material quality and provide stable, consistent product performance for our adhesives.

To make ourselves more independent, we have our own raw material synthesis. Some of our semiconductor packaging products already contain these raw materials, which enable unique material properties combined with the supply chain security of its synthesis taking place at our own site.

From 2024 onwards, we will further refine our internal semiconductor processes to ensure seamless serial production for customers worldwide. It is our continued goal to be a dependable, high-tech, and long-term partner who not only offers innovative materials like reinforcement adhesives, encapsulants, and lid attach solutions with stable product performance, but also reliable delivery.

Dr. Tobias Kõniger, Head of Product Management Semiconductor Packaging
DELO Adhesives
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