Remote Equipment Installation - The New Normal?
For 511 days, the pandemic has changed what normal is, with many new situations thrown at us as a business; we were forced to either adapt or hunker down. With everything now reopening, manpower is still limited, and travel restrictions are still hurting the industry. One of the impacts is on equipment installation.
How do you get into a country that is not letting people in, or get people to travel for work who are not comfortable with it? Since the pandemic began, traveling on-site and performing installations has been difficult and restricted. These restrictions can be due to safety considerations, local government policy, or the security level of the facility. Hengli, even as the biggest belt furnace manufacturer in the world, has limited resources of installation teams. During the pandemic, one of our many challenges was how to send a U.S. installation team to finish building a furnace in another country when the world was seemingly stopped, and travel was restricted.
To overcome that, Hengli and Torrey Hills Technologies (THT) devised a remote installation solution: by making our belt furnace almost plug and play. The benefit of an installation-free design is profound: Quality, location and Privacy. In terms of quality, furnaces can keep the same high performance by getting rid of differences between installation teams. In terms of location, our furnace is no longer subject to geographical restrictions if we don’t need to send an installation team. For privacy, such as in some high-tech businesses, the installation-free design can minimize the presence of personnel, thereby maintaining the privacy of the company. Also from a project management perspective, it is more beneficial that the furnace factory finishes the installation work at factory since it can reduce the overall project time and mainstreams the process. The cons for no one on site are also obvious: having an installation member on site can guarantee the machine runs smoothly and give the buyer an opportunity to ask the installer questions in real time. Plus, shipping machines completed will increase the risk of damaging fragile parts.
Like other businesses, the market will determine if remote installation is going to be a temporary mitigation or a permanent change. But our dedication to customers remains the same. Remote installation is just one of the ways that we dealt with the many challenges that the pandemic threw at us and how we take care of our customers.
If you are interested in our furnace line or want to save some money on your next furnace project, please contact us at 858-558-6666 or email us at sales@torreyhillstech.com or visit the https://www.beltfurnaces.com. You can also subscribe to our furnace newsletter at the bottom of our homepage. We are here to help you with all furnace process problems! EX. how to prevent cracks after GTMS process or how to avoid deep color after high-temperature brazing.
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